You & Makro


In Clients, Projects Posted

  • Client: Makro Cash & Carry Iberia (Spain and Portugal)
  • Project: New Brand Positioning “You & Makro”
  • Localization: Madrid (Spain)
  • Project Time Span: 8 Months

Makro Cash & Carry is a German multinational wholesale chain with more than 21 million customers in 25 countries around the world.



MAKRO CASH & CARRY IBERIA is perceived by the market as an old style company, with no emotional bond with its customers. Makro wishes to elevate the market perception of the brand towards a much warmer relationship sharing a stronger bond with its customers. 


Planning, launching, implementation, communication and internal transformation and integration management of the new brand positioning “You & Makro” that will create a deeper emotional and closer bond with Makro´s consumers.

In this project I had the pleasure to collaborate with:

  • Lola Murias García
    Olga del Ama, is a great professional who stands out for her strategic vision and capacity for analysis, excellent people treatment and professionalism, a modern and current woman who strategically adapts her projects / actions with the trend of the moment. Dives deep into the requirement of each action, evaluating in detail all the results and consequences, before taking action. It is highly recommended to work and collaborate with it, for the high added value she provides and the feedback you receive, professionally as well as personally.
  • Mª José Perez-Herrera Barbudo
    With Olga del Ama you know you feel save. She is a very organized and responsible professional from the beginning till the end of each project.
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